2nd Amendment
The Second Amendment states that a well Regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Militia and Training
63RD Battalion of the Lightfoot Militia
Eastern WA Lightfoot Militia is a group of like minded citizens
We focused on keeping the values that has helped America become the great nation that it is. The Lightfoot Militia meets the third Friday of every month.
Silent Majority Foundation
Fighting to protect America's constitution and theological foundation through education, advocacy, and litigation efforts.
You are not alone, at SMF we have a wide and diverse following who agrees that our freedom is our most important asset. Join us where you are, and our combined efforts will ensure our freedom and future!
Spokane GOP
To promote good government by getting Republicans elected at all levels, support them and hold them accountable
The Spokane GOP is anti-establishment and stands to support and represent America First leaders who put the people before party and agendas. WE are the new GOP, the party that stands for 'We the people' .
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