• You wake to the police pounding on your door in the middle of the night telling you to evacuate NOW…
• A family member is being loaded into an ambulance and being rushed to the hospital…
• You’re carjacked with the bad guy taking your car with your purse in it…
If a disaster or emergency strikes, do you know where to find your important information or documents for the police, medical personnel, or insurance companies?
Lindy Bryant from North Woods of Idaho will guide us through how you can build a family emergency binder. Author of the DIY Grab-N-Go Binder book, she’ll provide handouts and practical suggestions to help you get started on this critical family preparedness project. Lindy’s book will be available.
DCP Dr Jenna Silakoski from North Idaho will be providing brief presentation.
Theresa Laher from a Kingdom homeschool hybrid Equip210Spokane.com