Game Night

Bowlero 6116 Ayers St, Corpus Christi, TX

Test Test Test


Next Gen REI Group Meeting

The Arcadia Building 12929 E Sprague Ave, Ste 200, Spokane Valley, Washington, United States

Our Mission is to create financially literate real estate investor(s) (REI) that them become financially free REI(s). We accomplish this with cutting-edge investment systems, strategies, community and mentorship. Our Purpose is to provide education, information, mentorship and networking to further our members’ real estate investing goals and to help the REI become financially free quicker so that we can all ...

The administrator and the content on this page will reject all forms of racial, sexual, religious, and aristocratic supremacy. There shall be no discrimination and all forms of political violence for political purposes will be rejected. We are pro-responsible government.

Endorsed by Free East Washington

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