Primary Election Day!
State Wide WA, United StatesBallots must be deposited in ballot drop boxes or postmarked by 8 PM today.
Ballots must be deposited in ballot drop boxes or postmarked by 8 PM today.
County Canvassing Boards certify and transmits results of August 6th Primary.If your ballot has been rejected, it must be "cured" (resolved) by today.
Secretary of State certifies results of August 6th Primary.Results are not considered official until today.
A great time for a little Pew-pew and great food too. Come Support Dale Whitaker for Secretary of State with Special Guest William Kirk. Call Tim with your questions at 509-319-7954. 4:00 to 6:00pm Fun Shoot 6:00pm Dinner 7:00pm Speakers Bring Eye & Ear Protection!
Start of 18-day voting period (through Election Day). Ballots are mailed out and Accessible Voting Units (AVUs) are available at voting centers.
By today you should have received your ballot.If not, contact your county elections office by using this map:
LET'S FINISH STRONG TOGETHER! Let's come together in prayer, united in support for our leaders, state, nation, and upcoming elections. We warmly extend an invitation for you to join us in prayer, as we firmly believe that together, this is the path to finishing strong. The time is now - Let's give it all to God.
Register to vote in person during business hours and any time before 8:00 p.m. on Election Day (Nov 5th).
Deadline for Washington State voter registration or updates (in person only).
Deposit your ballot in an official drop box by 8 p.m. If you mail it be sure it is postmarked BEFORE 8 PM today (postage is free).
County Canvassing Board certifies and transmits results of November General Election
Last day for Secretary of State to certify November General Election results