Yasuhara Middle School 2701 North Perry Street, Spokane, United States

Get Clarity on Education Laws Affecting the Safety of Your Children Educating on unintended consequences Speaker: Conrad Woodall: Is a Former Law Enforcement and College Professor in Criminal Justice & Forensic Psychology. Additional Speakers Local Law Enforcement ------ For more information contact: NOTE: This is not sponsored by the GOP, nonpartisan event. Parent information night. -- Please share! REGISTER ...

Mead School District Candidate Forum

Mead High School 302 W Hastings Road, Spokane, WA, United States

Candidate Forum - Mead School District LOCATION: MEAD HIGH SCHOOL Come & Meet the Candidates -  There is a huge push by the liberals to take over this conservative school district. We can not let then do this but the candidates are in desperate need of your support Please come and support: Alan Nolan Jennifer Killman Michael Cannon Washington Let's ...

The Parent Revolution – An Evening with Dr. Corey DeAngelis in Spokane

Ruby River Hotel 700 N Division St, Spokane, Washington, United States

As America’s most prominent and influential advocate of education choice, Dr. Corey DeAngelis will discuss his new book "The Parent Revolution," and take attendees on a behind the scenes look at the fight for education reform.

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