Latest Past Events

63RD Battalion

Spokane Valley 12929 E Sprague Ave Suite 201, Spokane

The 63rd BN/42nd F.F. Eastern WA Lightfoot Militia meets the third Friday of every month. This is an open public meeting where you will learn more about what the 63rd Lightfoot Militia is all about and how you can get involved. Everyone is welcome! Our Logistics team prepares food to be served at around 6:20pm. The meeting starts at 7pm ...

63RD Battalion

Spokane Valley 12929 E Sprague Ave Suite 201, Spokane

The 63rd BN/42nd F.F. Eastern WA Lightfoot Militia meets the third Friday of every month. This is an open public meeting where you will learn more about what the 63rd Lightfoot Militia is all about and how you can get involved. Everyone is welcome! Our Logistics team prepares food to be served at around 6:20pm. The meeting starts at 7pm ...

63RD Battalion

Spokane Valley 12929 E Sprague Ave Suite 201, Spokane

The 63rd BN/42nd F.F. Eastern WA Lightfoot Militia meets the third Friday of every month. This is an open public meeting where you will learn more about what the 63rd Lightfoot Militia is all about and how you can get involved. Everyone is welcome! Our Logistics team prepares food to be served at around 6:20pm. The meeting starts at 7pm ...

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