Latest Past Events

Grey Man Adventure (December 13-15 Northport, WA)

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport

After a sumptuous Breakfast and a quick tour, the first workshop delves into situational awareness. The afternoon is focused on Empty Handed Combatives and this same program as is taught to our US navy SEAL's is practiced right up to the End Of Day Challenge. This gives participants an opportunity to test themselves in a controlled but engaging environment. It's ...

Grey Man Adventure (August 23-25 Northport, WA)

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport

After a sumptuous Breakfast and a quick tour, the first workshop delves into situational awareness. The afternoon is focused on Empty Handed Combatives and this same program as is taught to our US navy SEAL's is practiced right up to the End Of Day Challenge. This gives participants an opportunity to test themselves in a controlled but engaging environment. It's ...

Introduction to Tactical Civics and Potluck

Stu Slinger's Home 17523 E 6th Ave, Spokane Valley

Please join us for an Introduction to Tactical Civics seminar and potluck. We will have a brief presentation followed by a Q & A session, then enjoy brunch.Bring a friend and a brunch dish to share!

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Endorsed by Free East Washington

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