5th Congressional District Debate

KREM2 (Spokane)/KSKN22 (Spokane)/KREM+ (and possibly KING5 in Seattle) Washington, United States

On Wed, Oct 30th beginning at 6 PM, KREM2 (Spokane), KSKN22 (Spokane), and the KREM+ app (and probably King5 in Seattle) will host a 5th Congressional District debate featuring Carmela Conroy and Michael Baumgartner. This is the seat being vacated by Cathy McMorris Rodgers who has decided not to run again.Check your local listings for station(s) in your area that ...

Election Day

State Wide WA, United States

Deposit your ballot in an official drop box by 8 p.m. If you mail it be sure it is postmarked BEFORE 8 PM today (postage is free).

Spokane County Republican Party Monthly Board Meeting

Family of Faith Church 1504 W Grace, Spokane, WA, United States

6:00 PM: Meet with PCOs and guests from their precinct (Zoom not available during this time).6:30 PM: Executive Board Meeting: Monthly SCRCC executive board meeting (PCOs and guests can observe) (Zoom is at the discretion of the Executive Board).Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91099079138?pwd=cmlNcHRZM0dkTjVGRnJXTVBLZGtXQT09#success

Contingency Survival (November 15-17 Northport, WA)

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

Day 1 Saturday This course jumps right into it with getting your hands dirty with essential field skills including: · Outdoor safety · Overland travel and planning · Emergency shelters · Site selection and security · Fire craft · Night time signaling And if that wasn't enough, you have the option of staying overnight in your cozy little shelter! Day ...

Spokane County Republican Party Monthly Board Meeting

Family of Faith Church 1504 W Grace, Spokane, WA, United States

6:00 PM: Meet with PCOs and guests from their precinct (Zoom not available during this time).6:30 PM: Executive Board Meeting: Monthly SCRCC executive board meeting (PCOs and guests can observe) (Zoom is at the discretion of the Executive Board).Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91099079138?pwd=cmlNcHRZM0dkTjVGRnJXTVBLZGtXQT09#success

Grey Man Adventure (December 13-15 Northport, WA)

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

After a sumptuous Breakfast and a quick tour, the first workshop delves into situational awareness. The afternoon is focused on Empty Handed Combatives and this same program as is taught to our US navy SEAL's is practiced right up to the End Of Day Challenge. This gives participants an opportunity to test themselves in a controlled but engaging environment. It's ...

Trump Celebration Car Parade

WANDERMERE SHOPPING CTR. 12320 N DIVISION ST, Spokane, Washington, United States

To fully celebrate Trumps victory and in recognition that the fight is not over. We must continue to stand up, stand tall and stand together to save and maintain our liberty. SO lets show case our resolve by RAISING YOUR FLAGS HIGH PATRIOTS AND MAKE SOME NOISE! ONE MORE THING:JOIN THE CELEBRATION PARTY AFTER THE CAR PARADE @ 4 PM ...

How to Build Your Family Emergency Binder

The Black Diamond 9614 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley, WA, United States

Would YOU be ready to flee your home with little or no warning? • You wake to the police pounding on your door in the middle of the night telling you to evacuate NOW… • A family  member is being loaded into an ambulance and being rushed to the hospital… • You’re carjacked with the bad guy taking your car ...

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