Kelly Stevens
City of Spokane - MayorElected Experience
No information submitted
Other Professional Experience
City of Spokane - Streets Dept 2021 - Current; City of Spokane - Solid Waste Dept 2019-2021; Ecova - Account Specialist 2011-2019; US Census Bureau - Office Operations Supervisor 2009 - 2010
Trade school and classes at our local community colleges.
Community Service
I served on the Board of Directors for SpokeFest for four years, I was a Committee Chair for the Windermere Marathon for two years and have dedicated several weekends to Hoopfest over the last decade as a Court Monitor. Our community and our events are so important and it’s a joy to have been involved for so many years.
I have been working for Spokane for a few years now and will continue to do so for as long as I’m physically able. Every day, I work to make something a little bit better for our community. I have led many teams and look forward to leading our giant City team to reaching goals that are most important to voters. You will not find another candidate with as much heart, grit, and willingness to do the hard work as me. I lost everything during the recession and had to rebuild just like many of you. Believe in Stevens.