Ladies Self Defense (Level 1 & 2)

Personal Security Operations Center 1716 E Holyoke Ave, Spokane, WA, United States

Have you ever felt an icy tinge crawl up your spine when you looked behind to notice you are being followed? Or had that "gut feeling" that something was off, or about to go down? Time to kick fear out of the way and use it against your foe! Learn how to become effective in defending yourself with your bare ...

Defensive Handgun 1

Tactical VIP Services 4379-A E Deer Lake Wy, Loon Lake, United States

When: March 15 from 9am - 5 pm Where: 4379-A E. Deer Lake Rd. Loon Lake, WA 99148 Be prepared to defend the lives of those you love the most with your personal sidearm. If you carry a handgun for self-defense, this must-have course will teach you about safety, legal considerations, carry methods, malfunction solutions, dry and live shooting habits ...

Defensive Handgun 2

Tactical VIP Services 4379-A E Deer Lake Wy, Loon Lake, United States

When: March 16 from 9am - 5 pmWhere: 4379-A E. Deer Lake Rd. Loon Lake, WA 99148Increase your tactical ability by ingraining CQB winning strategies into your handgun discipline. Here you’ll learn to move effectively, utilize cover and incorporate effective maneuvers with simple communication and mounting pressure to perform under critical stress.Topics Discussed:· Malfunction Clearing· Point Blank Range· Shooting Positions· ...

Tactical Carbine 1

Tactical VIP Services 4379-A E Deer Lake Wy, Loon Lake, United States

When: March 22 from 9am - 5 pmWhere: 4379-A E. Deer Lake Rd. Loon Lake, WA 99148Learn to get the most out of your rifle. Set up the most ideal zero for your optic/sight and purpose. Basic positions and weapon manipulation is interduced and refined. From basic weapon manipulation to speed drills, this course will set you up for success ...

Tactical Carbine 2

Tactical VIP Services 4379-A E Deer Lake Wy, Loon Lake, United States

When: March 23 from 9am - 5 pmWhere: 4379-A E. Deer Lake Rd. Loon Lake, WA 99148Now dive deep into alternate shooting positions and utilize cover and concealment while taking your skills from crawl and walk to straight up running. Subconscious skills will be formed while stress is amped up and teamwork is introduced and expanded on.Topics Discussed:· Safety brief· ...

Grey Man Adventure

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

The Grey Man Adventure Weekend Retreat Where: 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA 99157 When: April 19, Friday Evening 6 PM - April 21, Sunday Evening 6 PM Day 1: Saturday Breakfast is the first main event, then a quick tour and orientation blends into the first workshop on situational awareness. After an ample break for lunch, Empty Handed Combatives is ...

Combatives Training

PSOC 7125 E Broadway Ave, Spokane, Washington, United States

When: May 18'th from 9am - 5 pmWhere: P.S.O.C. 7125 E Broadway Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99212 Learn the same system as our US Navy SEALs use to become effective in defending yourself when conventional weapons are unavailable. This course will increase your ability to defeat threats, based on real life scenarios using your empty hands alone. Topics Discussed: Violent ...

Wilderness Survival 1 (July 20’th 2024)

Training Center 4779-A East Deer Lake Rd, Loon Lake, Washington, United States

This course will cover bushcraft and survival techniques that could save your life if you find yourself facing Mother Nature at her worst. You will gain tangible skills pertaining to the five basic needs: Communication, Health, Personal Protection, Sustenance and Travel. Topics Discussed: · Electronic Communications· Physical Health· Improvising to Meet Survival Needs· Sheltercraft· Firecraft· Food Preparation· Water Purification Required ...

Grey Man Adventure (August 23-25 Northport, WA)

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

After a sumptuous Breakfast and a quick tour, the first workshop delves into situational awareness. The afternoon is focused on Empty Handed Combatives and this same program as is taught to our US navy SEAL's is practiced right up to the End Of Day Challenge. This gives participants an opportunity to test themselves in a controlled but engaging environment. It's ...

Contingency Survival (September 27-29 Northport, WA)

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

Day 1 Saturday This course jumps right into it with getting your hands dirty with essential field skills including: · Outdoor safety · Overland travel and planning · Emergency shelters · Site selection and security · Fire craft · Night time signaling And if that wasn't enough, you have the option of staying overnight in your cozy little shelter! Day ...

Contingency Survival (November 15-17 Northport, WA)

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

Day 1 Saturday This course jumps right into it with getting your hands dirty with essential field skills including: · Outdoor safety · Overland travel and planning · Emergency shelters · Site selection and security · Fire craft · Night time signaling And if that wasn't enough, you have the option of staying overnight in your cozy little shelter! Day ...

Grey Man Adventure (December 13-15 Northport, WA)

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

After a sumptuous Breakfast and a quick tour, the first workshop delves into situational awareness. The afternoon is focused on Empty Handed Combatives and this same program as is taught to our US navy SEAL's is practiced right up to the End Of Day Challenge. This gives participants an opportunity to test themselves in a controlled but engaging environment. It's ...

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