Movie Night with the Grassroots

The Black Diamond 9614 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley, WA, United States

Northwest Grassroots Monthly Meeting. Review of Local, State, National and International events that affect the Citizens of Spokane County. Generally, the event congregates around 5:30 pm and the event starts around 6:15 pm with political reviews, local issue speakers, and relative video clips and often a focused video. 5:30 pm – Political Cartoon Roll Starts - Meet and Greet 6:00 ...

Spokane – Prepare Against AI & Technofascism

Center Place at Mirabeau - Auditorium 2426 N Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA, United States

Did you know that Spokane is ONE of the FIRST TEN Smart Cities in the nation? We have a great guest speaker MICHAEL ASHLEY who will present on Smart cities, technofascism, technological tyranny in the form of ESG and the Western Social Credit System, financial de-platforming/ de-banking, CDCs, censorship/shadow banning, ChatGPT, and “smart” 15 minute cities. The agenda is the ...

Our Law Enforcement State of Mind

The Black Diamond 9614 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley, WA, United States

November’s Movie Night with the Grassroots SPECIAL GUEST: Sheriff, John Nowels This movie night will highlight our Federal Law Enforcement Agencies and groups they focus on as the most dangerous. This month we focus solely on the issue of an *out of control federal government law enforcement agencies that have become enemies of the American citizen – and how that ...


Calling all Trump Supporters! June 14th is not only Flag Day, it is also Donald Trump’s Birthday! Join us in supporting our Nation and Donald Trump Trump Flag and Sign Wave Friday, June 14, 2024 4:00 to 6:00 PM ------ 3 different locations 1. Liberty Lake I-90 Overpass2. Garden Springs Exit I-90 Overpass3. Division and Hastings Intersection

The administrator and the content on this page will reject all forms of racial, sexual, religious, and aristocratic supremacy. There shall be no discrimination and all forms of political violence for political purposes will be rejected. We are pro-responsible government.

Endorsed by Free East Washington

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