Patrick McKann

City of Spokane - Mayor

Elected Experience

Other Professional Experience
Construction Worker, CNC Operator, Wildlife Biologist, Statistician and Wildlife Researcher, Senior Business Intelligence Analyst, Vice President of Population Health at a low-income health clinic, Yurt Builder, Small Business Owner

University of Florida, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa; Oregon State University, Master of Science in Statistics

Community Service
Traffic Calming Sub-Committee of Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council, Traffic Calming liaison for the Altamont Loop/Ben Burr Trail Neighborhood, Advocate for natural lands preservation in Spokane City Parks, Member of Spokane Urban Nature conservation group, Math Is Cool teacher at Libby Elementary, Youth Soccer Coach, Parks Cleanup Volunteer

I will offer every neighborhood in Spokane nationwide-proven traffic calming tools currently in use in select parts of our city, including speed humps, stop signs, lowered speed limits on non-arterials, and flashing signs. We must tackle the infrastructure problems that come with growth and direct traffic to arterials. We deserve neighborhoods where we can allow our children to safely walk or ride to see friends.

I will also expand existing parks, create new parks and wildlife habitat, and connect these with neighborhood greenways. Lastly, I will visit with you regularly at your neighborhood council to address your concerns.

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