A NIGHT OF ART & MUSIC – Restoring Hope to the COVID “Vaccine Injured

Calvary Spokane 511 W Hastings RD, Spokane, WA, United States

Restoring Hope to the COVID "Vaccine Injured Join us for an unforgettable evening! This unique event blends the worlds of art, music and science on one stage. Gather with us as we feature compelling talks from medical professionals on the latest scientific data showing the REAL impact COVID vaccine's have had on humanity.  Enjoy captivating live performances by Jessica Sutta of ...

Candidates Night – Mead & District 81

Calvary Spokane 511 W Hastings RD, Spokane, WA, United States

Come meet & greet the candidates, get to know them better, and learn what they stand for. Securing our liberty and freedom starts locally, especially in our schools. This event is your opportunity to be part of the change that will save our country. So join us!

The administrator and the content on this page will reject all forms of racial, sexual, religious, and aristocratic supremacy. There shall be no discrimination and all forms of political violence for political purposes will be rejected. We are pro-responsible government.

Endorsed by Free East Washington

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