Grey Man Adventure (December 13-15 Northport, WA)

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

After a sumptuous Breakfast and a quick tour, the first workshop delves into situational awareness. The afternoon is focused on Empty Handed Combatives and this same program as is taught to our US navy SEAL's is practiced right up to the End Of Day Challenge. This gives participants an opportunity to test themselves in a controlled but engaging environment. It's ...

Contingency Survival (November 15-17 Northport, WA)

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

Day 1 Saturday This course jumps right into it with getting your hands dirty with essential field skills including: · Outdoor safety · Overland travel and planning · Emergency shelters · Site selection and security · Fire craft · Night time signaling And if that wasn't enough, you have the option of staying overnight in your cozy little shelter! Day ...

Contingency Survival (September 27-29 Northport, WA)

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

Day 1 Saturday This course jumps right into it with getting your hands dirty with essential field skills including: · Outdoor safety · Overland travel and planning · Emergency shelters · Site selection and security · Fire craft · Night time signaling And if that wasn't enough, you have the option of staying overnight in your cozy little shelter! Day ...

Grey Man Adventure (August 23-25 Northport, WA)

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

After a sumptuous Breakfast and a quick tour, the first workshop delves into situational awareness. The afternoon is focused on Empty Handed Combatives and this same program as is taught to our US navy SEAL's is practiced right up to the End Of Day Challenge. This gives participants an opportunity to test themselves in a controlled but engaging environment. It's ...

Grey Man Adventure

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

The Grey Man Adventure Weekend Retreat Where: 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA 99157 When: April 19, Friday Evening 6 PM - April 21, Sunday Evening 6 PM Day 1: Saturday Breakfast is the first main event, then a quick tour and orientation blends into the first workshop on situational awareness. After an ample break for lunch, Empty Handed Combatives is ...

Grey Man Adventure at Serenity Houses

Serenity Houses 4254 Wilcox Rd, Northport, WA, United States

Are you ready to enhance your skills in order to better stand up during dangerous encounters to protect yourself and others? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to conquer your fears and tap into your inner warrior over a two day adventure! Join us for a two day prelaunch to our ultimate five day Grey Man adventure, ...

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