Spokane GOP Board Meeting

Suite 335 or Conference Room 901 N. Monroe St Suite 335, Spokane, WA, United States

THIS BOARD MEETING IS THE FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH. --------------- 6:00pm DISTRICT MEETING HUDDLES: DLs meet with PCOs and Guests from their precinct (Zoom is not available during this time) 6:30pm EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING: The monthly SCRCC executive board meeting (PCOs and Guests can observe) (Zoom is at the discretion of the Executive Board) ZOOM IS LIMITED TO THE ...

Spokane GOP Board Meeting

Suite 335 or Conference Room 901 N. Monroe St Suite 335, Spokane, WA, United States

THIS BOARD MEETING IS THE FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH. --------------- 6:00pm DISTRICT MEETING HUDDLES: DLs meet with PCOs and Guests from their precinct (Zoom is not available during this time) 6:30pm EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING: The monthly SCRCC executive board meeting (PCOs and Guests can observe) (Zoom is at the discretion of the Executive Board) ZOOM IS LIMITED TO THE ...

Spokane GOP Board Meeting

Suite 335 or Conference Room 901 N. Monroe St Suite 335, Spokane, WA, United States

THIS BOARD MEETING IS THE FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH. --------------- 6:00pm DISTRICT MEETING HUDDLES: DLs meet with PCOs and Guests from their precinct (Zoom is not available during this time) 6:30pm EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING: The monthly SCRCC executive board meeting (PCOs and Guests can observe) (Zoom is at the discretion of the Executive Board) ZOOM IS LIMITED TO THE ...

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