Movie Night with the Grassroots – Oilolagarchy

The Black Diamond 9614 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA, United States

America is broken – How did we get here?Movie night this month will feature a documentary “How and Why Big Oil Conquered the World”. In one way or another our lives today are dependent on oil.We need to understand that the “oiligarchy” was not about financial domination, it was and is about control and power and they have no qualms ...

What the Hell Is Going On?

The Black Diamond 9614 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA, United States

What the Hell Is Going On? A New Book By Donald Lee Presentation plus Q & A, About the Book A "connect-the-dots" view of the many trends/frauds in the world. The key to understanding is recognizing patterns. The pattern of fraud. The pattern of ideology-mass formation-totalitarianism. The four BIG frauds: the wars on drugs, terror, the climate, the virus. Understanding ...

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