Voter Guide

Page last updated: November 3, 2024

Next election: Tues, Nov 5th

Check ourĀ calendar for deadlines pertaining to the next election.

Post-Election dates you should be aware of:

November 26, 2024: County Canvassing Boards certify and transmit results of November General Election to the Secretary of State's office.
Note: Typically results do not change significantly after the above date. However, until the Secretary of State certifies the results, they are considered unofficial and MAY change.
December 5, 2024: Secretary of State certifies November General Election results. Results are now considered official.
December 11, 2024: Secretary of State submits presidential elector slates to the Archivist of the United States.
December 17, 2024: Electors meet in their respective state capitols to vote for President and Vice-President.
December 25, 2024: Deadline for receipt of electoral votes by the current vice-president and archivist.
January 6, 2025: Congress counts the electoral votes.
January 20, 2025: Inauguration Day. The president and vice president assume office.

Added Oct 2, 2024:

Online voter pamphlets in PDF form are now available here: 2024 Voters' Pamphlet PDFs.

Spokane County residents will see a ballot measure "Spokane County Measure No. 1" asking to approve the "Renewal of One-Tenth of One Percent Sales and Use Tax For Juvenile Detention Facilities and Jails". This is a REPLACEMENT levy.
More info: Juvenile Detention Facilities and Jail Tax Renewal.

Spokane City residents will see a ballot measure "Additional Sales and Use Tax for Enhanced Community Safety Purposes" asking to approve the "Community Safety Proposal". This is a NEW levy.
More info: Community Safety Sales Tax.

Added Sep 27, 2024:
Stand For Health Freedom recently updated their recommendations for the upcoming Nov 5th General Election.
You can download a copy from here:

Added Sep 7, 2024:
The Spokane County Bar Association has posted their 2024 Judicial Candidate Evaluation Results.

From their website: The SCBA is committed to responsibly reporting on the qualifications of candidates for judicial office and believes that the bar poll and judicial evaluation provide valuable information to the voting public.
Candidates are not required to participate. If a candidate elects not to participate, the SCBA will make no evaluation of nor comment on that specific candidate. However, the SCBA considers this evaluation to be the best process by which its members can make known their views as to those best qualified; accordingly, the SCBA requests that serious consideration be given to such evaluations.
You can review the results here:

What's on my ballot?

Initiatives appearing on your Nov 5th General Election ballot:
ALL ballots in the upcoming General Election on Tues, Nov 5th, will have FOUR initiatives you can vote on.
On this page: you'll find information on the initiatives with links to the official initiative web page on the Secretary of State's Election initiative page.